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Categories of Wrongful Deaths by Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia by Richard Egan

Categories of Wrongful Deaths by Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia by Richard Egan

Victorian report on assisted suicide & euthanasia regime

Victorian report on assisted suicide & euthanasia regime

A few days ago, the Victorian Voluntary Assisted Dying Review Board released their report. We found out that two people…

Fighting for Life in 2020

Fighting for Life in 2020

There are many issues we need to be fighting for in 2020. Already we have observed some drama surrounding Euthanasia in…

Faces of Choice

Faces of Choice

Faces of Choice is a new website based in the US who are seeking to promote choice as a person,…

We Will Not Forget: Vote Pro-Life 2023

We Will Not Forget: Vote Pro-Life 2023

As we reflect on the abortion legislation passed last year, we are determined to ensure that we do not forget…

Australia Day 2020:  Remembering the Unborn

Australia Day 2020: Remembering the Unborn

As we prepare for a long weekend to celebrate Australia Day, I find myself pausing to reflect on all the…

Protect Life 2020

Protect Life 2020

Right to Life NSW have returned to work for 2020 and we are ready to battle to defend the right…

Late Term Abortion Statistics – Victoria

Late Term Abortion Statistics – Victoria

We must do everything we can to work towards a society where Abortion becomes Unthinkable.

Abortion Law Reform Act – Upper House Amendments Part 2

Abortion Law Reform Act – Upper House Amendments Part 2

Set 12:  Abortions not to be used for sex selection Moved by:  Minister Damien Tudehope Description: Abortions must not be…

Abortion Law Reform Act – Upper House Amendments Part 1

Abortion Law Reform Act – Upper House Amendments Part 1

The (Temporary) Chair of the committee, Hon Shayne Mallard introduced the first session on amendments by saying: We are considering…