Fighting for Life in 2020

There are many issues we need to be fighting for in 2020.

Already we have observed some drama surrounding Euthanasia in NSW with the Hon Trevor Khan being exposed for setting up a working group to draft euthanasia legislation.  This led to immediate backlash and pressure to shut this down.  As part of keeping up the pressure to prevent euthanasia and assisted suicide from being introduced into NSW, we are partnering with other pro-life organisations to gather signatures for a petition.  



A petition with just 500 signatures obligates the Minister responsible to submit a written response to Parliament within 35 days of the petition being tabled.  
A petition with 10,000 signatures sparks a debate on euthanasia from the floor of parliament.
Both of these responses from parliament would help to frame our next move and go a long way to preventing legislation from being introduced not just this year, but this term.

All petitions should be returned by the end of March for maximum impact. 
NB:  Only handwritten, original copies of petitions can be submitted to parliament.

Email the office here if you’d like to receive a hard copy of the petition in the mail.

I have also been busying in Canberra advocating for changes to Medicare funding for abortion and calling for an investigation into Abortion Service Providers who encourage women to access federal funding for their abortions.  A full review of this will be published soon.  This is part of our strategy to Make Abortion Unthinkable. 

South Australia is currently in the midst of fighting against abortion to birth legislation.  I had the privilege of heading over to Adelaide recently to MC their Walk for Life.  The most powerful part of the walk was listening to the personal testimonies from women who have suffered after having an abortion.

Here is Chris’ story – a story she kept hidden for over three decades but has recently started to speak out to give a Voice to the Voiceless:

Locally our fight continues.  We will see the full effects of the NSW legislation this year and we remain vigilant to the impact of it.  Making Abortion Unthinkable will continue to be a primary focus of our organisation throughout 2020.

Right to Life NSW has also initiated a “Vote Pro-Life 2023 Campaign” with the theme “we will not forget” – see our Facebook for regular updates on Monday mornings.  Look out for our next email where we will be announcing our (rescheduled) Bubbles for Babies event which will officially launch this campaign.