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Right to Life for Babies with Disabilities

Right to Life for Babies with Disabilities

A few weeks ago I came across the heartwarming story of Sierra, a little girl born with Mosaic Trisomy 18 (T18)…

Statement of Concern: People with Disabilities in danger during the coronavirus pandemic

Statement of Concern: People with Disabilities in danger during the coronavirus pandemic

Last week the Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO) endorsed a Statement of Concern regarding the treatment (or non treatment) of…

Increased Risk of Suicide – including Assisted Suicide – during COVID-19 pandemic

Increased Risk of Suicide – including Assisted Suicide – during COVID-19 pandemic

Suicide rates amongst people who are socially disengaged are on the rise here in Australia.  Over the weekend, a man…

Impact of Coronavirus on Abortion

Impact of Coronavirus on Abortion

08 April 2020 – Dr. Rachel Carling I have heard a number of misrepresentations regarding the impact of coronavirus on…

“The Staggering, Heartless Cruelty Toward the Elderly”

“The Staggering, Heartless Cruelty Toward the Elderly”

With people 70+ being encouraged to self-isolate this week, I thought this article was a timely reminder of the pressure…

The Lord Howe Woodhen VS NSW Unborn Humans

The Lord Howe Woodhen VS NSW Unborn Humans

Recently one of our members phoned in to chat and share ideas as many of our members do. This gentleman…

The Human Existence Equality Act passed in Mississippi

The Human Existence Equality Act passed in Mississippi

The Human Existence Equality Act was passed in Mississippi’s lower house last week.  If passed, this state will ban abortions…

Life Issues around Australia

Life Issues around Australia

It is important to keep up with what is happening around Australia in our fight to preserve Life from conception…

Categories of Wrongful Deaths by Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia by Richard Egan

Categories of Wrongful Deaths by Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia by Richard Egan