Monthly Archives: March 2015

Stop making vaccines with cell lines from aborted babies

Stop making vaccines with cell lines from aborted babies

The recent media attention on the anti-vaccination movement has also brought back into the limelight an often overlooked, but deeply…

Almost 170,000 IVF embryos destroyed in Britain each year

Almost 170,000 IVF embryos destroyed in Britain each year

Hundreds of thousands of embryos are being destroyed in Britain (PA) Shocking new figures reveal ‘wanton destruction on an industrial…

Christian couple unwilling to destroy frozen embryos following IVF give them up for ‘adoption’ to other would-be parents facing fertility woes

Christian couple unwilling to destroy frozen embryos following IVF give them up for ‘adoption’ to other would-be parents facing fertility woes

Rebecca and Chris Henderson of Hampton, Virginia believe life starts at conception and found a like-minded couple who also had…

Doctor Slams ‘Arrogance’ On Euthanasia

Doctor Slams ‘Arrogance’ On Euthanasia

THE views on euthanasia held by the Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, and the NSW Premier, Barry O’Farrell, are ”supremely arrogant”,…