We need as many people as possible to put in a submission to the Committee on Social Issues who will be scrutinising the bill next week prior to the debate in the upper house.
The turnaround time is very quick – submissions will close at 5pm on Tuesday 13th August 2019.
Your submission should be:
- Addressed to the “Committee on Social Issues”
- Titled “Reproductive Health Care Reform Bill 2019”
- As concise and to the point as possible outlining why you oppose the extreme abortion bill in NSW – drawing on your personal and/or professional experiences
- Sent by email to: socialissues@parliament.nsw.gov.au
It is very important that you argue against specific provisions in the bill rather than simply call for the bill to be voted down. This is because the committee is concerned with comments on the actual bill before them.
Suggested areas to focus on:
- increased protections for healthcare professionals: there was an amendment on doctor’s referral process, but more needs to be done to protect doctors, nurses and midwives from being complicit in the process of abortions
- the abhorrence of late term abortions when a baby is viable: this is the point which most of the community finds unacceptable and therefore has a chance of being successfully argued against
For more information, the Committee website can be found by following this link.
If you would like assistance or ideas on what to put into your submission, please contact us via email: office@righttolifensw.org.au