Blog Archives

Cloning: The Blighted Science

Cloning: The Blighted Science

The Australian Senate in 2006, by the narrowest possible margin, approved the manufacture of human embryos by cloning. This overturned…

Eugenics in Australia: The secret of Melbourne’s elite

Eugenics in Australia: The secret of Melbourne’s elite

Eugenics — the science of improving the race —was a powerful influence on the development of Western civilisation in the…

Sperm donor fights for child

Sperm donor fights for child

In a unique case which could set a new legal precedent, a NSW sperm donor is fighting to remain listed…

Urgent Attention

Urgent Attention

At the November 2010 meeting of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) in Baltimore, a motion was presented…

What Must Patients Do To Avoid Being Killed?

What Must Patients Do To Avoid Being Killed?

If South Australia and Tasmania legalise medically-assisted suicide, will people fearful of being killed by their doctors be forced to…

From Sin And Sorrow To Service

From Sin And Sorrow To Service

Kay Painter has spoken at forums in the United Nations and the White House, given her testimony on national and…

October Baby DVD

October Baby DVD

October Baby deals with profound and deeply significant subjects: the inestimable value of human life and the horror of abortion,…

Why Safe Voluntary Euthanasia Is A Myth

Why Safe Voluntary Euthanasia Is A Myth

The criminal law in Australia holds that the intentional taking of human life is a major criminal offence. This accords…

Care Allows a Dignified Death

Care Allows a Dignified Death

FEW people seek to hasten their end if they have access to good palliative treatment. AUSTRALIANS have much to be…

How the Euthanasia Push Was Defeated in Canada

How the Euthanasia Push Was Defeated in Canada

Canadian executive director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition, Alex Schadenberg, was recently brought out to Australia by Endeavour Forum, Inc.,…