Capitol Hill ( – Surveys of abortion facilities around the U.S. released Wednesday show the year 2000 with the fewest…
Here are some words from the author Melinda Tankard Reist: In 2002 I had a book published called Giving Sorrow…
Dr David van Gend is Queensland secretary of the World Federation of Doctors who Respect Human Life. David van Gend…
The pious declarations by scientists that human cloning would never be undertaken were – on the evidence of last month…
Life is precious—no matter how short or how impaired that life may be. In 1915 a baby boy was born…
It is a “given” in discussions of genetic engineering that no sensible person can be in favour of eugenics. The…
The subtitle of this paper “who has the right to decide who or who should not inhabit this world” is…
In their search for the perfect baby, more and more parents are choosing to terminate what they know – or…
Dr. Bernard Nathanson’s classic video that shocked the world. He explains the procedure of a suction abortion, followed by an…